The coffee tree (coffea) est un arbre tropical de la famille botanique des rubiacées. Même si l'on peut trouver apartment coffee trees, it is in hot and humid climates that the coffee tree grows most easily. It is originally from East Africa, mainly northern Ethiopia. Today it is cultivated in many tropical countries around the world.
Arabian coffee beans are used to make Arabica coffee. The two main coffee producing countries are Brazil and Colombia. In its wild state, the Arabian coffee tree is an evergreen shrub, which can reach 9m high in its natural environment. Its very ephemeral flowers, barely a few hours, have the particularity of having a scent similar to that of jasmine.
In our latitudes, the coffee tree is mainly cultivated as a houseplant. It claims a temperature between 18 and 21 ° C all year round, and does not support temperatures below 13 ° C. Grow it in a greenhouse or in a very bright room or veranda.
This tropical tree requires heat, sun and humidity all year round.
Used to heat and humidity, it is sometimes difficult to satisfya coffee tree in our latitudes. However, by planting or repotting it in the spring when the weather is mild, in rich, drained soil, it will be able to take root.
It must also be installed in an obligatorily half-shaded exhibition so that it is as in its natural environment where it lives in the shade of larger trees and especially in a non-windy place: it is a tree that does not support temperatures below 13 ° C.
For planting in a container or in a pot, plan to grow it in a greenhouse or in a very bright room. It needs a deep container, at least 60cm deep by 60cm wide. Remember to install a good layer of clay balls to drain the soil.
The cultivation of the coffee treeoutdoors is not recommended in regions with a cold climate. Even taken out of its natural environment, it is a tree that will not survive the cold and frost, unless it is not in the ground and can be brought into shelter in winter.
For the apartment coffee tree , it is essential to place it away from bright light and to leave it permanently damp at the base with a saucer of water under the pot. In winter, the indoor coffee tree will not need to be watered as much, it will be necessary to wait for the soil to dry out a little before moistening it again. In both cases, it is essential to add fertilizer during the growing season in the spring.
The coffee tree can be affected by several diseases or pest attacks. In particular, it may be affected by chlorosis, which causes its leaves to turn yellow. It is not strictly speaking a disease, but rather a nutritional imbalance. Then make regular contributions of fertilizer composed of trace elements.
It can also be affected by orange rust. Colorful (orange) pustules develop on the leaves. As a prevention, feed your plant properly so that it is resistant.
In case of anthracnose, spray the foliage with a copper solution. An anti-disease product for roses can also be effective.
Indoor coffee trees can also be attacked by mealybugs, red spiders or even aphids.